Downtown Durham Inc

Downtown Durham, Inc. Announces 2019-2020 Board Slate


Durham, N.C. – Downtown Durham, Inc. is pleased to announce its 2019-2020 Board slate.

“We’re thrilled to welcome new board members Rebecca Bolton, Shelley McPhatter and Justin Sacco,” said
Nicole J. Thompson, DDI president and CEO. “Each of them brings to our board valuable experience and an important perspective. Our board is an integral part of helping DDI continue to build on downtown Durham’s success.”

Downtown Durham, Inc. 2019-2020 Board of Directors


Jessica Brock, Chair

Longfellow Real Estate Partners

Scott Selig, Vice Chair

Duke University Capital Assets

Mark Stanford, Treasurer

Capitol Broadcasting Company, Inc.

Gloria Shealey, Secretary

The Daniele Company

Lew Myers, Past Chair

Downtown Resident


Jes Averhart

Leadership Triangle

Tucker Bartlett

Self-Help Credit Union

Rebecca Bolton

Durham Convention Center

Robert Emerson

Emerson Land Planning, PLLC

Indira Everett

Duke Energy

Sandi Haynes

Nonprofit Exec. Search Consultant

Shannon Healy

Alley Twenty-six

Doug Henderson James

Downtown Resident

John Hodges-Copple

Triangle J Council of Governments

Zena Howard


Brenda A. Howerton

County Commission

Adam Klein

Capitol Broadcasting Company, Inc.

Chan Little

The 360 Approach

Shelley McPhatter

BridgePoint Construction Services

Mark-Anthony Middleton

City Council

Jeff Paine

Duda Paine Architects

Bryson Powell

East West Partners

Justin Sacco

LRC Properties

Anthony Scott

Durham Housing Authority

Craig Shipley

The Durham Hotel

James H. Sills, III

Mechanics & Farmers Bank

Lucy Stokes

Somerset Partners

Iona Thomas

McAdams Company

Larry Tilley

Acme Plumbing

The slate was approved at the June 27 meeting, and the appointments become effective on July 1. The DDI Board of Directors is made up of downtown property owners, residents of the Business Improvement District, business and office tenants, retailers and representatives from the City Council and County Commission.

For more information about Downtown Durham, Inc., visit

For more than 25 years, Downtown Durham, Inc. has been the economic development engine for downtown Durham, NC. Downtown Durham is home to more than 55 retail stores, 120 restaurants and bars, and 4,000 residential units – all in an area just under one square mile. As the entity responsible for the business improvement district, DDI provides resources to keep downtown Durham clean and safe, and to attract visitors and residents to downtown businesses, venues and events. For more information, visit

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