Yonderlust is a local family-owned cafe and outdoor gear shop in downtown Durham. Come visit us at 109 N Gregson St.
Whether you’re in search of an early morning pick-me-up, a refreshing smoothie, or lunch with a friend, Yonderlust Café is your trusted source for high-quality service, coffee, and food. We feature local brands like Joe Van Gogh Coffee (Durham, NC), Strong Arm baked goods (Oxford, NC), Homeland Creamery (Julian, NC), and regionally sourced produce from Happy Dirt.
Yonderlust Adventure Outfitters provides customers with an exceptional in-store shopping experience. Whether you’re an avid adventurer or new to the trails/waterways, our friendly staff can help guide you towards the gear, equipment, and apparel that you need.
What can you expect to find in our showroom? Hiking boots, trail runners, sandals, water shoes, tents, backpacks, sleeping bags, athletic jeans, running apparel, lifestyle apparel, and much more.
Here are just a few of the top-of-the line brands that we carry: