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January Third Friday at the Durham Arts Council

January 19, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

The Durham Arts Council is pleased to once again have the Inter-Latin American Artist Collective (ILAAC) showcase their work in our galleries. Their new exhibit; Nuestras Voces: Diálogos y Discursos/Our Voices: Dialogues and Discourse will be on display from January 10- March 10, 2024.
Come out and see their new work on January 19th from 6-8pm as a part of Third Friday!
Nuestras Voces: Diálogos y Discursos/Our Voices: Dialogues and Discourse resalta el trabajo de siete artistas profesionales afiliados al Colectivo de Artistas Inter-Latinoamericanos (ILAAC), integrado por Cornelio Campos, Luis MacKinney, Lety Álvarez, Pepe Caudillo, José Manuel Cruz y Peter Marín.
En nuestra segunda exposición realizada en el Durham Arts Council, ‘Nuestras Voces’ va más allá de las limitaciones por el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, esforzándonos por elevar el arte y las voces latinoamericanas no solo este mes, sino a lo largo del año. Como defensores de representar las voces latinoamericanas en Carolina del Norte y más allá, buscamos aumentar la representación de nuestras voces históricamente excluidas y encontrar espacios para expresar nuestros sentimientos, cultura, tradiciones e ideas a través de nuestro arte.
En 2024 celebramos nuestro segundo año de participación activa con ILAAC, un colectivo comprometido con fomentar una mayor representación, inclusión y diversidad en la dinámica escena artística del Triángulo. Nos enorgullece colaborar con el Durham Arts Council, eligiendo sus espacios de galería como plataforma para nuestra expresión. Nuestra convicción se basa en la creencia de que iniciativas como exposiciones y programación cultural son catalizadores, desbloqueando progresivamente oportunidades para más artistas hispanos/latinx en el siempre expansivo panorama artístico de Carolina del Norte, del país y a nivel internacional.

Nuestras Voces: Diálogos y Discursos/Our Voices: Dialogues and Discourse highlights the work of seven professional artists affiliated with the Inter-Latin American Artist Collective (ILAAC), comprising of Cornelio Campos, Luis MacKinney, Lety Alvarez, Pepe Caudillo, José Manuel Cruz, Antonio Alanís, and Peter Marín.
In our second exhibition hosted at the Durham Arts Council, ‘Nuestras Voces’ goes beyond the confines of Hispanic Heritage Month, striving to elevate Latin American art and voices not just this month but throughout the year. As advocates for representing Latin American voices in North Carolina and beyond, we seek to increase the representation of our historically excluded voices and seek spaces to express our feelings, culture, traditions, and ideas through our art.
In 2024, we mark our second year of active participation in the ILAAC, a collective committed to fostering increased representation, inclusion, and diversity within the Triangle’s dynamic art scene. We are proud to collaborate with the Durham Arts Council, choosing their gallery spaces as a platform for our expression. Our conviction lies in the belief that initiatives such as exhibitions and cultural programming are catalysts, progressively unlocking opportunities for more Hispanic/Latinx artists in the ever-expanding artistic landscape of North Carolina, of the United States and also internationally.


January 19, 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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Durham Arts Council
120 Morris Street
DURHAM, NC, NC 27701 United States
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(919) 560-2787
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